Wednesday, July 30, 2014

No Radon in Orange County or California? Think Again!!

CDPH Indoor Radon Program

The Indoor Radon Program, within the Environmental Management Branch, seeks to reduce the health risk from radon exposures by increasing awareness, providing information about testing, identifying areas of high radon potential, and promoting mitigation and radon-resistant construction.  

New!  Special Report 224 - Radon Potential in the Palos Verdes Area

The California Department of Public Health, in partnership with the California Geological Survey, is developing detailed radon potential maps for regions of the state. The latest map and report, covering the Palos Verdes region, has been released.  See all reports here.

What is radon?

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is odorless, invisible, and without taste.  It is released during the natural decay of uranium, which is present in most rock, soil and water. Its occurrence in the state is influenced primarily by geology; find out more about radon

Where is radon found?

Radon can be found throughout California because uranium exists in all rock and soil.  Although certain areas of the state are more likely to contain higher radon levels than others, radon is a house-to-house issue.  You may live in an area of low radon potential yet your house can have elevated radon but your neighbor's house has a low radon level. 
Radon, in its natural state cannot be detected with the human senses. The only way to detect radon is to test.  California residents can purchase low cost radon test kits,
Home Test Kits $7.95, to test their home.  The results of the test should determine if you and your family are at risk. 
Testing for real estate transactions must be conducted by a California certified radon tester.  If the tester is not on the service providers list, he or she may not be certified or registered with the Indoor Radon Program.  Certification and registration for service providers is a requirement in California;(Radon and Real Estate). 

How does radon enter into my house and what can I do?

As the radon gas escapes from the ground into the air, the lower air pressure inside your home draws the outside air in through cracks, seams and other openings in your home foundation; (How Radon Enters Into My House).  If you have elevated radon levels you can still fix your home.  The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) along with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) recommends that you fix your house if it has 4 picocuries per liter (4 pCi/L) or higher.  If you are building a house in an area of moderate or high radon potential, we recommend using radon-resistant building techniques. 

Why do I need to be concerned about radon?

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer (PDF)Opens in new window., following smoking.  US EPA estimates (PDF)Opens in new window.that nationally 21,000 lung cancer deaths are caused by radon each year.   

Radon Gas Testers Must Be Certified in California

“California law requires all individuals providing radon services to be certified by either National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) or National Radon Safety Board (NRSB).  There are no professional groups that are currently exempt from this requirement, including Industrial Hygienists, Registered Environmental Assessors (REAs), and Licensed Geologists. “ California Department of Public Health

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Get Property Disclosures Before You Hire a Home Inspector

Sellers should provide you with a detailed disclosure of known defects, past repairs and upgrades before you hire a home inspector, or even make an offer for that matter. There is no reason for these items to be provided to you after an inspection, or an offer. This gives you a heads up on issues you will want your inspector to consider for you.

In Northern California, it is standard practice for the listing agent to have all this paper work ready for potential buyers when they first list the property. Sadly, this is rarely if ever seen in Southern California.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Renters, Landlords, Property Managers and Mold

Attached is a summary video on the causes of unwanted moisture and mold growth in rental settings. Both unwanted and visible mold growth in living areas is considered unhealthy.

Mold in Rental Video

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Negative response to home and mold inspection findings.

My clients often get negative or unusual responses from some of my home and mold inspection findings. As a nationally certified and recognized home and mold expert, let me say I do make mistakes. But, like most inspectors, I call em as I see em.

My findings are my professional findings, and I put them in writing. If you get push back from others about your inspector findings:  home owners, realtors, other contractors, be sure to get their responses in writing.

Remember, that your inspector should be their only for you. We cannot have multiple clients, nor can we do any repairs.

Don't be bullied into thinking our findings are inaccurate, from others who have an emotional or financial interest in the sale of the property. Some new inspectors might be influenced by a bully, so be vigilant with such a professional.

Your inspector is their to protect your safety and interest in the property, so you know what you are getting.

Be carful out there.