Health Effects of Radon
Lung cancer
The primary health effect of radon is lung cancer. When the radon daughters release these alpha particles into the lungs, the alpha particles penetrate cells and cause DNA damage. The damage is cumulative and can eventually cause cancer. Animal studies have shown that radon can cause cancer without the contribution of other pollutants (e.g., tobacco smoke).
The fact that radon exposure causes lung cancer was recognized first in uranium miners. One study evaluated American Indian miners who were non-smokers, and found a threefold increase in lung cancer over that experienced by non smokers who were not miners in the same community.
Smoking increases the risk of lung cancer dramatically. Early evidence for the role of smoking is the fact that before manufactured cigarettes were available, lung cancer was considered a rare disease (in spite of ongoing exposure to radon). Following the introduction of manufactured cigarettes, the incidence of lung cancers rose quickly to the point where it is now one of the most common cancers. For lifelong non-smokers, absolute risks (as opposed to excess risk due only to radon) of lung cancer (for those still alive) are 0.4%, 0.5% and 0.7% respectively at radon concentrations of 0, 100 and 400 Bq/m3. In cigarette smokers exposed to the same radon concentrations, these risks are 10%, 12% and 16% (Darby et al., 2005).
The EPA is strongly focused on the reduction of radon exposure primarily because of the enormous public health impact of its role in lung cancer in smokers. Mendez et al. (2009) analyzed smoking trends in the US and concluded that a better approach would be to concentrate on programs to reduce smoking.
Radon and Childhood Leukemia
There is some evidence that excessive radon exposure can increase the risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children. One study demonstrated a 56% increase in the rate of this type of leukemia per 1000 Bq/m3-years increase in exposure (Raaschou-Nielsen et al., 2008; Harley & Robbins 2009).
Radon and Pancreatic Cancer
Radon exposure may be a significant risk factor for pancreatic cancer in African Americans, American Indians, and Asian Americans. Testing and mitigating homes for indoor radon may decrease the incidence of pancreatic cancer in these groups (Reddy & Bhutani 2009).
Radon and Other Cancers
One study of miners revealed some evidence for a relationship between other pulmonary cancers and cumulative radon exposures, but unknown factors could have influenced their results either negatively or positively (Kreuzer et al. 2008).
Protective Effect of Radon
There is some evidence that exposure to very low levels of radon may be protective, especially in smokers. Samet (2009) suggests that a non-threshold linear response is indicated by studies showing that a single alpha particle hit can permanently damage a cell. However, modeling of data from miners' studies indicate that the excess risk for lung cancer at 100 Bq/m3 is 0.l6, indicative of a protective effect. Note that risk estimates relate to 1 (no change), with estimates greater than 1 indicating increased risk and estimates less than 1 indicating decreased risk (Bogen 1998).
Standards and Guidelines
An indoor air radon concentration of 200-400 Bq/m3 has been adopted as an action or reference level by many countries. Levels less than 160 Bq/m3 indicate that no further action is necessary. The USEPA recommends remedial action if radon levels exceed 4 pCi/L (200 Bq/m3). The World Health Organization recommends a reference level of 100 Bq/m3 for radon. An acceptable radon concentration in the workplace is set at 1/3 of a WL or about 1200 Bq/m3. In September 2009, the World Health Organization released a comprehensive global initiative on radon that recommended a reference level of 100 Bq/m3 for radon and urged member countries to establish or strengthen radon measurement and mitigation programs, as well as develop building codes that require radon prevention measures in homes under construction.
About Steve Zivolich and Guaranteed Property Inspections:
Steve Zivolich, M.A., the owner/operator of Guaranteed Property Inspection and Mold Investigation Inc. has been providing property and environmental inspections for over 13 years in Orange County and Southern California.
Steve Z. has performed over 6,000 home inspections, mold, energy and environmental inspections and is fully certified and insured to meet all your inspection needs. He personally provides all field inspection services and as a result is able to maintain the highest Better Business Bureau rating of A+.
Steve has extensive training and years of experience as a home, mold, energy and environmental inspector that will guarantee that you receive the most thorough, state of the art and comprehensive inspection that follows current industry standards of practice and codes of ethics, a true value and education at a fair price. He conducts every inspection, as if he were moving his own family into the property. Steve also backs up every home inspection with a 90 day warranty, that is purchased on your behalf from American Home Warranty Association.
Unlike other home inspection companies, who will need to refer you to an environmental and/or energy audit contractor, Steve is a nationally certified expert that can handle the job without making you jump through hoops to hire additional people before the end of your inspection period, including the areas of: mold, asbestos, allergens, child safety, radon, formaldehyde, energy, EMF, water quality, and VOC's. As a result of his advanced training, he is able to offer a FREE energy audit and FREE mold investigation as well, with each home inspection.
Please take the time to read through Steve's home inspector credentials and qualifications as this is so important when hiring an inspector. Don't focus on price alone, focus on value, quality, experience and professionalism. When you hire an inspector, any inspector, you are hiring their individual knowledge, experience and qualifications so make sure you hire the best, not just the cheapest. We are confident that you will be Steve's next satisfied customer.
Please take the time to read through Steve's home inspector credentials and qualifications as this is so important when hiring an inspector. Don't focus on price alone, focus on value, quality, experience and professionalism. When you hire an inspector, any inspector, you are hiring their individual knowledge, experience and qualifications so make sure you hire the best, not just the cheapest. We are confident that you will be Steve's next satisfied customer.
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