Safety Tips for the Holidays
November-December 2009 (Palm Springs, Calif) — CREIA, the California Real Estate Inspection Association, cares about your safety during the holiday season. The following are a few tips that can keep you and your family safe while enjoying this festive season.
Electrical Safety
Use only Underwriters Laboratories (UL) approved lights on your tree.
Avoid overloading the connections.
Do not leave Christmas tree lights on while unattended.
Check all light sets prior to use. Do not use damaged light sets or extension cords.
Make sure you have a working smoke detector on every level of your home.
Christmas Tree Safety
Keep your tree away from heat sources, sparks or flames.
Choose a freshly cut tree. LIVE TREES NEED WATER! Check and refill often.
Cut a few inches off the trunk before placing in water.
When your tree becomes dry, discard it promptly.
Avoid accidents by using wire or cord to secure your tree to the wall or ceiling (this will prevent it from toppling over by small children or pets).
Holiday Candle Safety
Do Not use candles near combustible materials such as curtains, drapes, bedding and or cabinets.
Do Not leave the house with candles burning.
Do Not leave children or pets unattended with a lit candle.
Do Not use candles on a Christmas tree.
Be sure that candles are in stable holders on a flat stable surface and create a 1-foot circle of safety surrounding them.
CREIA advises everyone to make sure to retain the services of a qualified, professional home inspector by using a Certified CREIA Inspector member to do a thorough, independent visual examination of the physical structure and systems of a home. Since 1976, CREIA, a non-profit voluntary membership organization has been providing education, training, and support services to the real estate inspection industry and to the public. Inspectors must adhere to CREIA's Code of Ethics and follow the Standards of Practice developed by the association. These Standards of Practice have been recognized by the State of California, and are considered the source for Home Inspector Standard of Care by the real estate and legal communities.
CREIA requires its members to successfully pass a comprehensive written examination of property systems and complete 30 hours of continuing education each year. Members can accumulate credits through various sources of education including monthly chapter meetings, conferences, and other approved activities. CREIA keeps records to ensure that members are complying with the requirements. Educational topics cover a variety of technical subjects including updates and advances affecting the profession of real estate inspection.
Great tips,,,These will be a good help for all of us home owners.