Sunday, September 28, 2014

Has Someone Died in the House You Want to Buy?

On July 21, 2014, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court held their decision that a death in a home, to include murders/suicides, does not constitute a material defect that has to be disclosed to a buyer. The truth is, there are people who care to know, but in most states the laws do not require sellers and agents to disclose it, including California. But beware, there is the law, and then there is what people actually decide to disclose.

Most people do not even think about the subject when buying a home because they are assuming that it is a law to disclose that information and that the Realtor would tell them. Would you want to be made aware, so that you can make the best decision for yourself?

Then enters! is a web-based application that helps people who care to know, find out if a death occurred at an address before they decide to buy or rent it.

It is a fact that a lot of people care about this subject and knowing would impact their decision to buy or rent.’s job is not to persuade you one way or the other on the subject, our purpose is to help you find out if a death occurred at an address, if you care to know.

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